Discover the compatibility between Beneito Faure LED Profiles and Strips
The aluminum profiles help the heat dissipation of the LED, apart from protecting the LED strips from dust, shock and humidity. They also achieve a totally professional installation. Our entire Box range of profiles is compatible with both rigid and more flexible LED strips. With our profiles for LED strips you can achieve lighting both on the ceiling and on the wall, installing them on the surface, recessed or suspended.
Compatibility table of profiles and LED strips
What determines the compatibility between the Fine LED strips and the Box profiles is the width of the printed circuit board (PCB) of the LED strip and its different powers. In our compatibility table, a value corresponding to the width of both the strips and the profiles is expressed first, and next to it the Watts of power that each model supports. For example, the 10mm wide Fine 84 strip is compatible with the 12mm Box-16, but it will never be compatible with the Box-12 since it is 5mm wide. If we look at the power values (W) we can see how the Fine 52 strip will never be compatible with the Box-13. Although they are compatible by width, the power of the Fine-52 is 22W, while the Box supports a maximum of 15W. We can see this compatibility with all our models in the following table:
Recommended Wiring
To carry out an electrical installation it is important to have the necessary cable section well calculated. Our recommendation table expresses the section in millimeters and refers to the section that the cable must have, regardless of the insulating coating layer. This wiring, which is normally copper, is the one that goes from the power supply to the LED strip. For example, with 5m of Fine 84 led strip, the wiring must have a section of 0.35mm. Or, with 20m of Fine 32, the wiring section will be 0.5mm. This matching can be seen in the recommended wiring table that is included in our catalogue.
Light Perception
The light perception of the strips is expressed in the following tables with a percentage that refers to the light depreciation of the LED. The data are taken at the most critical point of the LED strip, which is the furthest from the power supply and, therefore, the one with the least light intensity. For example, in what we call an open circuit, with 5m of Fine 84 the efficiency will be 100%, while with 25m, it will be 80%.
With the same meters and LED strip model, we can find other light perception values, depending on whether the power supply is an open circuit or a back feed. This second one is recommended since feeding from both sides supposes a greater intensity of light. In this case we see how with 25m of Fine 84 the efficiency will be 95%, while with an open circuit we have previously seen it at 80%.
Profiles and LED strips generate attractive effects in a space, being able to provide a play of light and shadows, together with unique and elegant atmospheres. Discover all our Box and Fine models.